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Directory Structure

# Zero-config setup

Out of the box, Acorn will use its own configs, and it will keep the application cache and logs in the standard WordPress cache directory:

[wp-content]/          # wp-content directory ("app" if you're using Bedrock)
├── cache/
│   └── /acorn/        # Private application storage ("storage" directory)
│       ├── app/       # Files generated or used by the application
│       ├── framework/ # Files generated or used by Acorn (never edit)
│       └── logs/      # Application logs
└── themes/
    └── [theme]/       # Theme directory (e.g., "sage")
        ├── app/       # Core application code
        ├── public/    # Built application assets (never edit)
        ├── resources/ # Uncompiled source assets and views
        │   └── views/ # Application views to be compiled by Blade
        └── vendor/    # Composer packages (never edit)

# Traditional setup

Acorn also supports a more traditional Laravel-esque structure. We recommend this approach if you are adding Acorn/Laravel packages and want to have more control over your app.

If you've installed Acorn from your Bedrock project root, Acorn's config/ directory will conflict with Bedrock's. We recommend using Radicle to avoid this.

There are no conflicts with the config/ directory if you've installed Acorn from your theme.

root/              # Base directory for your Acorn application (e.g., "sage")
├── app/           # Core application code
├── config/        # Application configuration
├── public/        # Built application assets (never edit)
├── resources/     # Uncompiled source assets and views
│   └── views/     # Application views to be compiled by Blade
├── storage/       # Private application storage
│   ├── app/       # Files generated or used by the application
│   ├── framework/ # Files generated or used by Acorn (never edit)
│   └── logs/      # Application logs
└── vendor/        # Composer packages (never edit)

You can manually create a config/ directory, or you can automatically set up the traditional structure with WP-CLI (see below).

If you have a config/ directory, you can drop your desired config files in there. any that are missing (such as app.php) will just be pulled from Acorn's config directory.

# WP-CLI commands for setting up the traditional structure

You can automatically set up the traditional structure via WP-CLI:

$ wp acorn acorn:init storage && wp acorn vendor:publish --tag=acorn

Alternatively, you can choose to only copy the config files.

$ wp acorn vendor:publish --tag=acorn

# Advanced directory modifications

You can modify the path for any Acorn directory by using the acorn/paths.{$path} filters, where $path is one of the following:

  • base
  • app
  • config
  • storage
  • resources
  • public

The base path may also be set by defining the ACORN_BASEPATH constant. This is useful for setting it when filters are unavailable, such as in wp-config.php.


Last updated

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